Aerial application

Growsafe does not offer aerial-specific certificates for individuals undertaking aerial application of agrichemicals. However, NZS 8409:2021 Management of agrichemicals is a core reference for aerial applicators and the basis for all Growsafe certificates.  Depending on your role and experience, our core range of certificates can help with aerial training requirements (see below). Growsafe does offer accreditation of companies offering aerial application services.



Individual certification


Groundcrew support aerial operations in the agricultural sector and are responsible for ground operations such as mixing and loading of the aircraft. Growsafe Standard is recommended by the industry as an appropriate certificate for groundcrew to hold. 

Along with site and task-specific training, this will help meet the general requirement for training and instruction under the Health and Safety at Work Act. Similarly, it will meet the requirements of the EPA Hazardous Property Controls Notice for groundcrew to be a ‘qualified loader’ if highly ecotoxic products are being used.

If products with very high human toxicity are used, then the groundcrew must also hold, or be under the direct supervision of someone holding a certified handler certificate.

Pilot Chemical Rating

Pilots who apply agrichemicals from helicopters or fixed wing aircraft must hold a Pilot Chemical Rating issued by a training provider accredited by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).  It is strongly recommended that you achieve a Growsafe Standard certificate prior to commencing the pilot training.  This will ensure that you get the most out of your specialised training. If you have Groundcrew experience, then you may already hold a Growsafe Standard certificate.

UAV operators

If you wish to apply agrichemicals from a UAV (drone) then you will need to hold Part 102 certification issued by the CAA.  This requires you to demonstrate how you will manage the risks associated with spray application from a UAV.  One of the requirements is that you demonstrate that you are competent in spray application from drones - usually this will require you to have undertaken some relevant training.

If you have no agrichemical experience, we recommend you start with a Growsafe Standard course to learn the basics of safe, responsible use of agrichemicals.  After that you may wish to go on and undertake the Pilot Chemical Rating or equivalent training.

If you have significant agrichemical experience, for example if you hold a Growsafe Registered Chemical Applicator (RCA) certificate, then you probably don't need to do the Pilot Chemical Rating.  You would be best to look for some specialist training focussed on how spray application from UAVs differs from ground application.

Growsafe Accreditation (Aerial)

Growsafe Accreditation (Aerial) is an accreditation scheme for aerial operations that is gained by the company, rather than the individuals.  Introduced in 2024, the purpose of the scheme is to ensure that agricultural aerial operators are operating in accordance with NZS 8409:2021 and thereby are operating with reasonable care for the safety of people and the environment. The focus is on the safe, effective and responsible use of agrichemicals by the aerial company, not the safety aspects of flight.  Its scope covers planning, PPE, storage, record keeping as well as the actual application, along with management of factors such as the risk of off-target spray drift.

The programme aligns with the Spreadmark aerial accreditation scheme, and the audits can be combined.

More details and the application form for aerial accreditation can be found here .