Spray planning and notification

We’ve developed a number of templates for use by agrichemical applicators.  We encourage you to adapt these to suit your own needs.

Spray plan - template

Format: Word document
Use this template to help design your own spray plan documentation. It includes notification and spray drift reduction measures.

Spray plan - example

Format: pdf
This is a completed example showing how to use the spray plan template.

Farm map - example

Format: pdf
This is a completed example showing how to identify sensitive areas and spray application areas on the Farm Map.  The three pages show the steps to creating a farm map to incorporate into the spray plan:
  • find a detailed map of the farm from Google Earth or other source
  • add sensitive areas and key points of interest such as the boundary line
  • identify spray application areas such as paddocks.

Notification - template

Format: Word doc
This is a template for use by landowners using a contractor to undertake agrichemical spraying.  It has two parts:
- a form asking neighbours whether or not they want advance notice of spraying
- a form providing information about upcoming spraying for those who have requested notification. This should be completed and sent out by email or text (you could take a photo of the completed form) no less than 12 hours before each planned spraying. (Note some regional councils require a minimum of 24 hours notice.)

Notification - example

Format: pdf
This is a completed example showing how to use the notification template for contract spraying.