
An inventory is list of all stored products (recording the product's trade name and likely maximum quantity stored). It is the starting point for identifying risks from hazardous substances at your workplace. It should include all hazardous substances, not just agrichemicals. It is likely to be the first thing an emergency worker, health and safety inspector or quality assurance auditor will ask to see.

Your inventory must include:
  • product name
  • its UN number
  • maximum quantity likely to be at the workplace
  • location (eg Agchem store)
  • any specific storage or segregation requirements.
You may also wish to include information which helps you determine how to manage the risk, eg hazard classes, HSR number, or specific PPE or use requirements. The EPA Approval number (HSR number) is useful is you wish to use WorkSafe’s online calculator to assess your inventory against thresholds and advise the controls that apply. You can find the HSR number on the label or the HazNote.

This information must be:
  • kept up-to-date
  • stored away from the store, in a known place, and
  • accessible to emergency services (even if power or telecommunications are unavailable).

More information can be found in WorkSafe’s Quick Guide to Inventory requirements for hazardous substances.

WorkSafe’s online calculator will prepare an inventory for you and give you any controls that apply.

Or take a look at Growsafe's inventory templates.